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Polyurethane Foaming Aid For Soft Foam


    Chain Extender C-320

    Aldehyde Remover D-320

    Crosslinker GD-80

    Polyurethane Additive

Chain Extender C-320

C-320 is a polyurethane additive specifically designed for the manufacture of polyurethane foams, which is applied in polyurethane, textile and other industries. It doesn’t contain toxic substances and meets the requirements of health and environmental protection.


  1. Solve the cold deformation of high resilience sponge, caused by low formulation tolerance, during the process of continuous machine foaming.

  2. Reduce the aldehyde value of polyurethane foam in the production of molded PU, manual block or continuous machine foaming, and reduce the VOC value.

  3. The recommended usage amount is 1%~3%, according to the density of polyurethane foam to adjust the amount.

  Physical Property


Flash point

Density @ 25℃

Viscosity @ 25℃

Transparent, viscous liquid

> 120℃

0.95g / cm3


FYI: Above only represents typical results, and is not considered as specification. Actual property should be based on specific COA (Certificate of analysis).

Aldehyde Remover D-320


  1. Reduce the amount of some catalysts.

  2. Reduce the use of foaming agents in large quantities.

  3. Do not contain toxic and hazardous substances, and meet the requirements of health and environmental protection.


Applied in molded PU, manual block or continuous machine foaming. In the production of flatulent slow rebound sponge, it has a wide production adjustment range, which can improve the technological properties of foaming and stability of foam.

  Physical Property


Flash point

Density @ 25℃

Viscosity @ 25℃

Transparent, viscous liquid

> 120℃

0.95g / cm3


FYI: Above only represents typical results, and is not considered as specification. Actual property should be based on specific COA (Certificate of analysis).

Crosslinker GD-80

GD-80  is a polyurethane additive specifically designed for the manufacture of polyurethane foams, which is applied in polyurethane, textile and other industries. It doesn’t contain toxic substances and meets the requirements of health and environmental protection.


  1. Improve the formulation tolerance, and solve the collapse and cracking of sponge.

  2. The recommended usage amount is 0.5%-1%, according to the density of polyurethane foam to adjust the amount. The hardness of the sponge will decrease.

  3. Applicable for ordinary , high rebound, slow rebound foam sponge.

  Physical Property


Flash point

Density @ 25℃

Viscosity @ 25℃

Transparent, viscous liquid

> 170℃

1.16g / cm3


FYI: Above only represents typical results, and is not considered as specification. Actual property should be based on specific COA (Certificate of analysis).

Polyurethane Additive

LH-5220 is a polyurethane additive specifically designed for the manufacture of polyurethane foams, which is applied in polyurethane, textile and other industries. This polyurethane additive can effectively reduce the hardness, and improve the softness and tear strength of the sponge.


  1. Improve the softness of the sponge products.

  2. Increase the special sliding properties of sponge products.

  Physical Property


Flash point

Density @ 25℃

Viscosity @ 25℃

Transparent, viscous liquid

> 120℃

0.95g / cm3


FYI: Above only represents typical results, and is not considered as specification. Actual property should be based on specific COA (Certificate of analysis).

上一篇:Opening agents 下一篇:没有了!


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邮箱: Ray@jslhpu.com

地址:Headquarters: Huishang Building, Nanjing South Railway Station, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province Address: No. 6, Zhangzhu Road, Huai'an Industrial Park, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province




Jiangsu Lihong Technology Development Co.,LTd
XJiangsu Lihong Technology Development Co.,LTd




